Hello Universe!

It is an incredible feeling when you launch your site. It is less incredible to know that while it is technically working, the site still needs a lot of polish and more functions need to be implemented. I believe it will be an on-going process for a fair while.

However, the most important thing is that my site is up and running. I am excited that I have gotten the blog system implemented already! Hopefully, I can finalize the projects and portfolio sections during the coming months.

This site is an incredible adventure for me.

When I first launched my site, it was merely a simple contact form. But as version numbers grew and years passed it started to grow into something else. We are at the XIX version of this site by now, and it has changed a lot. The reason behind so many versions is simple: I am never satisfied with the work I do for myself. I am probably my own worst client.

I will write up a few tips for designers on design and how to make their own website in the future. I hope that those tips and guides will help other designers avoid the pitfalls that I fell in as I was learning.

I plan to blog quite a bit often from now on; and plan to do a lot of cool things with this site in the future. And finally, hopefully, no more design changes! At least not for 4 years! I promise! ;)